Leeuwarden, the Capital of Friesland

Nieuwe Stadsweeshuis

The Nieuwe Stadsweeshuis (city orphanage) in the north west corner of the Jacobijnerkerkhof (Jacobin churchyard). Prior to 1675 there had already be a home for orphans of the citizens of Leeuwarden, the Old Burgerweeshuis. But for increasing numbers of “buitenwezen” - children of city residents without civil rights - the New City Orphanage was officially opened on 24 January 1676 and was as such in use until 1953, occasionally housing more than 300 children. It was restored after a major fire in 1983 and now houses the Natuurmuseum Fryslân (Frisian Nature Museum).

Photo by Ludo Kuipers, Thu Apr 07, 2016
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